Oh Holy fight

Date published: 05 December 2014

THE FRIDAY THING: I WOULD never suggest that I was particularly religious but I couldn’t help feeling a degree of horror at the bizarre paradox that pitted the punching, kicking, pushing, swearing, wrestling in the major stores against the beginning of Christmas featuring a baby boy, his mother and father in a stable because there was no room at the inn.

How on earth have we gone from celebrating Christmas and the baby Jesus to store wars with its fist-flying, boot kicking, pushing, swearing mania and grasping greed for a huge TV screen that will certainly not look at home in a lot of rooms?

We are all living in a multi-faith community and maybe the only thing we have in common as Christmas approaches is not a thought for the Messiah or the power of Allah but a frantic, frenzied grasping to get hold of a TV screen bigger than sense decrees.

Consumerism, not Christianity is the flavour of this month, but will the churches be as packed full as the supermarkets? Probably not.

There is hope, fortunately, from many of our schools, where the annual nativity play is still regarded as a must both for the young students and their parents, friends and relatives. It is, for many, right at the heart of Christmas and the Christmas message. But not everyone is listening.

The nativity play, with its odd creatures and striking outfits, splendid home-made costumes and characterful portrayals, is both the spirit of Christmas and its continuity.

How far removed is it from the store wars, swearing, shouting and violence?

But will those charming and delightful tots and toddlers, who bring many a proud tear to jaundiced and wearily cynical eyes, underline the fact that the spirit of Christmas is about and for our children.

They, we hope, will be the new disciples.