The young tycoons

Date published: 14 July 2015

PUPILS at Knowsley Junior School, Springhead, learned about business skills during a week of fun activities supported by Saddleworth Rotary Club.

Each class received sponsorship of £50 from local businesses and given the opportunity to create their own business over five days.

Assistant head teacher Hannah Jeffares, who organised the enterprise week, said: “Children were given the task of researching, designing and evaluating ideas to help them to make products to sell at an enterprise fair and raise money for the school.

“Different classes competed against each other to win awards and prizes for categories including the most profitable business, fair trade and best teamwork.

“The classes made and sold some amazing products including cookies, plants, plant pots, decorative mugs and plates.”

The activities helped raised over £2,500 in total. Class 6AJ won the most profitable business award by raising over £390 while classes 3H and 5C were among the other award winners.

Prize money was donated by Saddleworth Rotary Club which each class could spend on a treat of its choice.

Rotary club president Richard Bartlett was among the helpers at the enterprise fair, held on the final day of the challenge.