HeartStart Oldham trains 70 children to save a life

Date published: 20 October 2017

HeartStart Oldham has trained 70 children at Werneth Primary School how to save a life.

Over the past fourteen years the Rotary Club of Oldham has trained Oldhamers of all ages how to save lives.

The training is free and available to all ages.

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Across Europe and Australia Monday 16 October 2017, is designated Restart a Heart Day, the aim is to train as many school children as possible and make sure every child knows how to save a life.

Sudden out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with unsuccessful cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the third leading cause of death in industrial nations.

In Europe and the U S A together 700,000 people die each year. Many of these could be saved if more lay people provided immediate CPR.

Over the next five years it’s the European Heart Resuscitation Councils vision to create a nation of life savers.

The target is a minimum of two hours CPR training annually from the age of 12 years in all schools, at this age children are more responsive to instructions and are more willing to help others.