Teams happy as they increase points tally

Reporter: Dawn Eckersley
Date published: 04 March 2009

Get Moving to Health 09 - week six

DAWN ECKERSLEY — with our volunteers every step of the way — reports at the halfway point in the programme

AFTER securing an early lead the Heavy Mob are holding on to their leading position as we pass the half way post in this year’s Get Moving to Health challenge.

The gang, captained by Maggie Hurley, are flying forward on 347 points while Wide Load, led by Nicola Melvin, are hanging on in there with 338.

This week, the Heavy Mob managed to drop 12lbs collectively while Wide Load shed 6lbs — and a combined loss of 18lbs for the volunteers is good going as we now head beyond the halfway point in this challenge to lose 10lbs in ten weeks.

So far, the two teams combined have dropped an incredible 153lbs - almost 11 stones.

Special praise must go to Chris Hamilton, Maggie Hurley, John Carhart, Dave McGealy, Roger Hindle, Big (soon to be Medium) Al, Nicola Melvin and Bernard Stone who all scored full marks this week for losing weight and staying on or above target..

Joan Hague, Malana Bridge, Chaddy the Owl and Bridgette Fox dropped a point each for failing to lose weight this week but all are still well on target to achieve their goal and received praise from their trainers for the effort they are all putting in.

All 12 volunteers have been putting the hours in at the gym and filling in those all important food diaries as they fight to hit the 10lbs weight loss target.

Don’t forget, the winning team will get a glamorous make over courtesy of Debenhams and Oldham College so there’s everything to fight for as we gallop towards the final stretch of Get Moving To Health 2009.

Can Maggie and the Heavy Mob hold on to their nine-point lead or will Nicola and the Wide Loaders make a late surge for victory? Find out in next week’s Chronicle.

n ALL twelve members of the two teams received a two-point boost this week to their totals.

Last week’s tally had awarded them one-point for their commitment and effort during the nutrition session but the other two-points for their commitment and effort throughout the week was ommited in error.

The teams were given the good news this week and it just shows the level of competitiveness amon-gst them that they were quick to query the points awarded when published last week.

Enemies are punch-drunk

THE sight of our brave recruits hula hooping, slalom skiing and heading virtual footballs will stay with me for quite some time, writes DAWN ECKERSLEY.

But as we move past the difficult halfway point I must take my hat off to members of both teams as they charge on with their mission to shed the pounds.

This week, we tackled a whole range of sports and activities on the Wii Fit and it certainly brought out competitive streaks in many of our volunteers.

The boxing station proved most popular with Big (soon to be Medium) Al, Chris Hamilton, Joan Hague and Maggie Hurley scoring high as they pictured the faces of arch enemies on the punchbag.

Heavy Mob member John Carhart proved himself as a bit of a dark horse on the tennis court as he thrashed Wide Load captain Nicola Melvin.

And Dave McGealy, or Slinky Hips as he will be referred to from now on, showed his flexibility on the slopes when he successfully tried his hand at downhill slalom.

Chris Hamilton showed promising footballing prowess with a high score on the virtual header game while Bernard Stone’s real life golfing ability shone through.

As we enter Week seven of the 10 week programme I can see genuine friendships forming across enemy lines — but that could all change as we reach the final stages of the competition and tensions rise.

Next week, the teams will be learning about food labels and eating out with nutritionist Louise Brown. Find out how they go in next week’s Chronicle.Landlady

Joan is learning new ways

LANDLADY Joan Hague (right) has the full support of her friends, family and customers in her bid to lose 10lbs in 10 weeks.

And the 50-year-old has an extra incentive to shed the pounds — for every pound she loses will raise the sponsorship money she makes for Royton hospice Dr Kershaws.

Joan, who runs the White House Inn in Henshaw Street, is a member of The Heavy Mob team.

She said: “I think our team are doing really well and we are committed to helping each other and beating Wide Load as we all very competitive.”

In the past, Joan has been guilty of skipping meals and making up for lost calories with her beloved pints of lager.

Since Get Moving To Health started she has cut down on her alcohol intake, never skips breakfast and makes sure she eats regularly and often.

She said: “There is no such word as ‘can’t’ and I have learned that you can eat everything in moderation.”

The exercise side of things is not going as smoothly but Joan is starting to find activities she enjoys.

After the teams took part in a Nordic Walking session with instructor Alan Keane, Joan bought herself some poles and took to the hills near her home.

Although she’s not really a gym bunny, Joan loves swimming and is slowly starting to like aerobics.

The former Blue Coat pupil organised a school reunion for last weekend and although she did stay off the alcohol for part of the evening, she said she did allow herself a drink after midnight!

Joan, who has two children and a stepson, said: “I can already see the results and I feel much fitter and healthier. It was daunting at first but I look forward to the weigh ins and I have met some really lovely people.”