Bangla the drum for Anchor Mill

Date published: 24 September 2012

Oldham can be a ‘second Rusholme’
plans to turn part of Oldham into a “second Rusholme” have been revealed by Oldham Council.

Official documents claim that Featherstall Road North has been earmarked for development, as part of a masterplan to capitalise on Bangla culture.

The busy road is set to be developed into an area “akin to Rusholme” — renowned for its thriving Asian culture with a famous “curry mile” road of restaurants and businesses.

The document says: “The masterplan encourages the establishment of the area as a cultural, commercial quarter, akin to Rusholme, where the Bangla culture is expressed, but which is open to all.

“Anchor Mill is at the hub of the quarter.”

The Asian Fashion Bazaar, which boasts around 50 stalls, has been operating since April but has been hit by criticism. that it is operating without a licence and other issues. Bazaar bosses claim to be addressing the problems.

Director Adeel Saleem insisted the plans would have a positive effect on the area.

He said: “A lot of people travel to buy Asian goods but they bypass Oldham and do their shopping in Bradford and places like that.

“We’re trying to attract business to the borough.

“The Bazaar is like Affleck’s Palace in Manchester and we want to attract people who will spend money here and in the town centre.

“More businesses opening up will create a real tourist destination.

“And if people know there is an area here where they can get the things they want, they will be bringing their money to Oldham, and shoppers from Oldham will not be taking their money elsewhere.”

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