School takes positives

Date published: 18 July 2014

WOODHOUSES Primary School has been classed as “requiring improvement” in its latest Ofsted inspection.

The education watchdog found that pupils’ attainment in 2013 was “broadly average” in English and maths.

However, not all pupils made consistently good progress in reading, writing and maths across the school. And not enough children made more progress than expected in reading and writing, although this is improving.

The inspectors also said that teaching required improvement because not enough was good or better.

Woodhouses was also classed as requiring improvement (grade 3) at its last inspection but Ofsted said that new head teacher Rachael Bentham had made significant improvements in a short period of time.

Other areas of praise included the high quality support for children with special education needs, pupils’ behaviour, and the good teaching of the school’s youngest pupils.


The report added: “Pupils said that they feel safe in school, there are very few incidents of bullying and staff deal with them well.

“They demonstrate a good awareness of how to keep themselves safe both physically and, for example, when using the internet.”

Mrs Bentham said: “Although we are disappointed with the ‘requires improvement’ judgement, we are pleased by all the positives that have been recognised in the report regarding the improvements made in the last 18 months at Woodhouses.

“We acknowledge there is further work to do and have already put an action plan in place, with support from the local authority.

“I would like to thank the pupils, staff and governors of Woodhouses for all their hard work.”