Blue Coat’s fame school

Date published: 25 July 2014

PUPILS at Blue Coat School will have a daily reminder of the people who have shaped Oldham.

The opening of a new £2.7 million classroom block at the Egerton Street secondary in September has prompted it to rename its buildings.

Students, staff, and governors were consulted and chose a combination of modern-day, famous Oldhamers as well as those from the past.

The new building, which will house maths and social sciences, will be named after world-renowned stained-glass artist Brian Clarke — and it is hoped that he will perform the opening.

Thomas Henshaw, the hat-maker who bequeathed £40,000 to found Blue Coat, has been chosen for the historic main building.

The sports, drama and music building will honour John Hogan, Thomas Steele and Walter Mills who all received the Victoria Cross.

And Dr Patrick Steptoe, whose research led to the the birth of the world’s first test tube baby in Oldham, is remembered in the science block.
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