Challenging a worrying rise in Islamophobia

Date published: 23 January 2015

HUNDREDS of Oldham Muslims gathered together to discuss anti-Muslim hate crime.

The event, “Challenging Islamophobia — Building Communities”, was organised by Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND), an organisation devoted to encouraging British Muslims to be actively involved in media and politics.

Councillor Abdul Jabbar said the council was committed to promoting community cohesion. He claimed there was massive under-reporting of Islamophobia and encouraged victims to report hate crimes.

Councillor Shoab Akhtar said women are more likely to be singled out for abuse and attack because of their religious dress. He added: “Islamophobia is on the rise, not only in Europe but also in the UK.”

Father Phil Sumner of Oldham Race Equality Partnership believes that a major factor in the rise of Islamophobia was the declaration of the “war on terror” in 2001.

MEND’s head of community development and engagement, Azad Ali, said: “Islamophobia’s victims are the many innocent Muslim men, women and children who have been targeted for no other reason than their religious belief.”