Making her voice heard

Reporter: Lucy Kenderdine
Date published: 22 December 2015

AN 18-year-old Failsworth student led the winning team at a model UN debate on for help on the European refugee crisis.

Zulikhat Shavaeva joined students from across the North-West to replicate the high-pressure environment of a UN General Assembly in the Model United Nations event.

The project, hosted by city-centre independent school Abbey College Manchester and organised by the Geographical Association of Manchester, gave each team the chance to assume the role of diplomats from 10 different countries to find a resolution to the current refugee crisis.

Zulikhat and her team had to demonstrate an understanding of the issue and successfully represent the views and national interests of their assigned country..

Zulikhat, who is studying A-level psychology, maths, further maths and religious studies, said: “The topic of debate this year is incredibly relevant. Everyone is aware of what is happening and everyone has an opinion.”

Abbey College’s head of geography Mike Johnson, said: “Zulikhat slotted into the role naturally and had some incredibly valid arguments. She was a great voice for the team and should be proud of her efforts.”