Wear your Unity Band with pride tomorrow

Reporter: Lucy Kenderdine
Date published: 03 February 2016

A BRAVE mum fighting cancer for the second time is urging fellow Oldhamers to show their support for people affected by the disease on World Cancer Day.

Kelly Griffin, from Bardsley, wants everyone to buy a Unity Band - like the ones she’s wearing in the picture - and wear it with pride to represent what people can achieve when they join together.

Kelly (34) was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011, on her youngest son’s third birthday, after finding a lump. The cancer had already spread to her liver and her doctor at The Christie asked her to join a clinical trial.

Kelly spent almost two years on the treatment — a mix of herceptin and chemotherapy delivered directly to the cancer cells — until she dropped out with liver impairment.

She suffered a second blow last year when she found a new lump on her breast and was once again diagnosed with cancer, baffling doctors for they believe the second tumour was completely unrelated to the first.

“It was a shock each time I was diagnosed but thanks to research, treatment and the support I received, I’m still here today,” said Kelly.

“That’s why I’m backing World Cancer Day and encouraging everyone to show their support by wearing a Unity Band tomorrow.

“The aim is to keep things stable for me. I want to do everything I can to ensure that more people get the support and treatment they need.”

Kelly has again undergone chemotherapy, ended early because good results have allowed her to move quickly to radiotherapy.

Jane Bullock, Cancer Research UK spokesperson for Oldham, said: “World Cancer Day provides an opportunity for people to unite and show we can do something about cancer.

“Whatever your motivation, World Cancer Day is a chance to get involved and help reduce the impact of cancer on future generations.”

The bands are available in several colours. For more information and to find a stockist, visit www.worldcancerday.co.uk.