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Event: Oldham Flower Club Open Day

Friday 30 November 2018
11.00am - 2.30pm

Daisy Nook Garden Centre
Stanneybrook Road
Daisy Nook
M35 9WJ


Make a day of it, view the Christmas displays of the garden centre, have a snack in the Cafe and then pay us a visit Come and see what the Daisy Nook Flower Arrangers can do, watch a short demonstration of designs for Christmas, have the chance to buy a fresh flower arrangement and help us to support a charity educating children in Peru. A volunteer who has worked in Peru and now sells goods to try to raise much needed funds will bring along a wide range of goodies. Items cost from £1.00 - £30.00 and include beautifully soft alpaca scarves and waistcoats, children's machine washable appliqued jackets, brightly woven scrunchies, silver plated jewellery, nodding animals made from jungle nuts and a wide range of purses, scarves, keyrings and hair slides.

Entry fee: Free entry

0161 633 5830
