'Concern' over halving of Mahdlo budget

Date published: 09 March 2021

Members of four Oldham Rotary Clubs have expressed concern over the reduction in funding to the town's community hub for young people.

Garvin Crabtree and Frank Bolger from Oldham Metro Rotary Club and Tony Burke of  Saddleworth Rotary Club have issued a statement on behalf of four Oldham Rotary Clubs in the wake of Oldham Council halving funding to Mahdlo.
"Today, largely due to the pandemic, the threat to the emotional wellbeing and mental health of young people remains a real concern and over the coming months is most likely to increase.
"The decision of Oldham Council to proceed with a significant reduction in its funding of Mahdlo, is something we Rotarians regret.
"Rotarians in Oldham have a long and distinguished record of supporting our young people and we pledge to do all in our power to work with Mahdlo to try and mitigate against the potential reduction in support for young people the funding cuts will cause.
"We were heartened by the comments made by Council Leader Councillor Sean Fielding at the Council budget meeting last Thursday when the funding cuts were confirmed. He said   `We`re focused on young people, creating new jobs, apprenticeships and opportunities to give them the best start in life`
"We want Oldham to be a place where residents feel healthy and supported, where businesses flourish, and where every young person can get a good start`
The Rotary clubs statement adds: "It is in our view an undisputed fact Mahdlo play a key, perhaps the key role in us having any chance to achieve these ambitions.
"Our hope is all of us that care about helping our young people achieve their aspirations, realise their true potential and improve their life chances will come together at this time to make that happen. Our young people deserve nothing less.”
Last week, the Council  budget meeting confirmed the current contribution of £400K to Mahdlo would be cut to £200K over two years with £100K withdrawn immediately.
The decision has left the charity concerned owing to the timing and depth of the cuts.
Mahdlo provides seven -days-a-week essential development services for Oldham’s young people, delivering support with health and wellbeing, identity and belonging, economic and financial success, and personal safety as well as creativity and fun at its hub and across the districts of Oldham.

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