Oldham new mum's appeal to help Ukranians, gathers support.

Date published: 02 March 2022

A new mum from Oldham, has set up an appeal to help the people of Ukraine, after being so moved by pictures on television, of their plight. 

Sue Kershaw, who is 38, from Royton, has gathered lots of support on social media, after appealing for essential items to help those affected by war in Ukraine. 

She had a baby 15 weeks ago and was watching recent news coverage of families and children affected by war, where thousands of people have been displaced. 

"I asked myself how would I feed my baby Jack, if I were in a war zone? 

"That's when I felt I just had to do something," she said. 

Sue, who runs Ambercare in Oldham, contacted her staff first for help, they all supported her.  Next she put an appeal out of Facebook.  But it went viral and has now really taken off. 

"I'm amazed at the hundreds of people who've been in touch with us," she said. 

A local pub offered to be a drop off point and then other local businesses came forward. 

Her cousin, who owns a removals company, has offered to deliver the supplies to people in Poland.

Now there will be a convoy, in collaboration with a Manchester charity, which is going out to drop off supplies next Tuesday. 

Sue said: "We've had an amazing response to the appeal so far.  I'm really proud of the people of Oldham. 

"At the moment we have different drop off points involved, which open at different times, but you can contact them directly, to see when they're open. 

"We're very grateful for anything people want to give us, if you can get things to us before next Tuesday, then they will go out to help the Ukranians."

Sue needs to finish her involvement in the campaign by March 20th.  But she's already looking for someone to take over the project. 

You can find out more details about the appeal and what can be donated on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10160019054908970&id=821483969


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