Splash of yellow for endometriosis awareness in Alexandra Park

Date published: 22 March 2022

Scores of people have donned yellow outfits to raise awareness of endometriosis in Oldham.

The event, at Alexandra Park, was organised by Endometriosis North, a charity formed in March of last year by Chadderton GP and gynaecologist Dr Anita Sharma to raise awareness of endometriosis and enable women to manage the condition.

Dr Sharma created the charity along with Courtney Ormrod, who has been fighting the condition since she was a teenager, and Margaret Heywood.

The run coincides with Endometriosis Awareness Month throughout March, with yellow the designated colour for the endometriosis awareness campaign.

Supporters of the walk at the weekend

Participants wore yellow tops and caps with an endometriosis logo designed by the youngest supporter of charity 17-year-old Saul Smith.

"Endometriosis is relatively common and potentially debilitating condition." says Dr Sharma.  "One in ten women suffer with endometriosis and it can take over seven years to make a diagnosis. This is simply not acceptable."

One of the key themes of Women’s Health Strategy published in Dec 2021 is that women’s voices must be heard to improve not only the physical, mental and emotional health but also gynaecological and obstetrical health.

Dr Sharma continued: “All women with endometriosis should be given information about the condition, using on-line forums, and support groups.  Our charity aims to help access to these resources.

"Even though women live 4 years longer than men, they live in poor health.

“Health and well -being of women is critical to the well -being of the society as a whole and husbands, partners and parents working together can make a big difference”

The Endometriosis North charity team is very grateful to Peter, a music teacher, who uses his photography skills to help charities, especially in raising funds for the charity Papyrus Prevention of Young Suicide in memory of his son Ben, who died in 2013 aged 14.

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