Letters to the Editor
Date published: 01 March 2023

Email us: news@oldham-chronicle.co.uk or write to: Oldham Chronicle, Sarah Moor Studios, Henshaw Street, Oldham, OL1 3EN
The Coliseum is dead and the tiny and over vocal minority of people who are still carrying on about it really need let it go and move on.
For the vast majority of ordinary people living Oldham, most of us in fact the closure of The Coliseum was well overdue and and will be no great loss to us at all; in fact I doubt that most people will much care or even notice?
As for OMBC proposing to build another yet theatre; the town already has at least 6 other theatres/performance spaces, (and many more within easy and convenient traveling distance of Oldham). Most of them are far better supported, more relevant, and much more cost effective to operate than The Coliseum ever was and far more appropriate to the size of the audiences they attract.
There are:
- The Lyceum
- Playhouse 2
- The Grange Arts Centre
- The Millgate Arts Centre
- The New Library/Lifelong Learning Centre
- The Queen Elizabeth Hall
If OMBC really do have £25 million to spend, at a time when they're claiming that they have to make across-the-board cuts to funding, then for once let them spend it something that will be of real practical use, benefit and value to the town and not on further subsidising an increasingly dilapidated commercial and artistic dinosaur that been little more than a money pit for decades.
JP Craig-Weston
The Oldham Evening Chronicle welcomes letters to the Editor, and encourages lively debate. Letters may be edited for clarity, legal purposes, or length at the Editor’s discretion. Names will not be published if requested, but all letters must be signed. To email us, please use news@oldham-chronicle.co.uk or write to us at Sarah Moor Studios, Henshaw Street, Oldham, OL1 3EN
The views expressed are those of the author of the letter and not those of Oldham Chronicle.
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