79th Oldham Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

General Information

The 79th Oldham Beavers Cubs and Scouts meet each week at Denshaw Village Hall.

For more information about Oldham District Scouting activities vist their website at

www.oldhamscouts.org.uk/  There is a useful diary page here for all district events

www.scouts.org.uk/  This is the website for UK scouting and a good source of information for anyone wanting to find out more.


Contact Information

79th Oldham Scouts

Denshaw Village Hall
Ripponden Road

Tel: 01457879253

Mobile: 07764638308

Meeting times

Every Tuesday (Please note we close for school holidays.)

Beavers 6-7pm

Cubs     7-8pm

Scouts   8-9.30pm

Where we are

(click to zoom)