Tram surfers warned of 'catastrophic consequences'

Date published: 04 July 2018

A stark warning is being issued to parents and children after a small number of tram ‘surfing’ incidents.

Over recent days children have been seen ‘surfing’ trams, either by jumping on the back of a tram or sitting on a coupling unit that holds two trams together.

An urgent safety briefing has been given to control room staff – who monitor the network through an extensive network of CCTV 24/7 – and Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) to be on the lookout for such behaviour – which can have catastrophic consequences.

The police has also been informed and is investigating the incidents.

The TravelSafe Partnership is undertaking an extensive youth engagement programme, highlighting the dangers and consequences of committing crime and antisocial behaviour on the transport network, including tram ‘surfing’.

TfGM’s Head of Metrolink Danny Vaughan, said: “All it takes is for a slight slip or a jolt from the tram for this to have a catastrophic ending.

“The last thing we or anyone else wants is for someone to get killed; for someone’s child not to go home because of something like this, yet that is exactly what will happen if people do not stop engaging in such reckless behaviour.

“If anyone sees anyone behaving like this I’d encourage them to contact the police immediately or speak to Metrolink staff via any of the call points on our trams or at stops.”

Chief Inspector Colette Rose from GMP’s TravelSafe Partnership said: “This incredibly reckless behaviour could have catastrophic consequences.

“I would urge parents to emphasise to their children that they are taking their lives into their own hands when attempting to travel on the outside of trams.

"Warnings have been issued by the police, TfGM and the local media, yet still a number of individuals persist in this grossly irresponsible and potentially fatal practice.

“Our message is simple: If you are identified as having committed this kind of offence; you will be prosecuted.”

Chris Jackson, Service Delivery Director at KeolisAmey Metrolink (KAM), said: “Safety is KAM’s number one priority so it’s disappointing that these young people are wilfully putting their own safety and that of others at risk with this fad.

“As well as getting urgent safety briefings to our staff to be on the lookout and so they know what to do if they do see this, we’re also working with police and schools to ensure young people and their parents understand just how serious an issue this, to try and prevent it in the first place.

“One school has identified some of their pupils involved in this so this gives us the opportunity to work directly with those involved to fully understand and tackle the issue.”