'Barrowthon Man' Damieon is all set for his garden half-marathon!

Date published: 08 April 2020

Greater Manchester Police Constable Damieon Hartley-Pickles will be running a half marathon in his back garden in support of the Mahdlo Youth Zone and the NHS.

Oldhamer Damieon, also known as Barrowthon Man, has run a series of long distance runs in support of Oldham’s charities with his trusty wheelbarrow.

He was due to run the Oldham Half Marathon in March. However, due to concerns around the Coronavirus outbreak the event was postponed.

Not one to be knocked back, Damieon has taken matters into his own hands to spread some positivity during these unprecedented times and raise some much-needed funds for Oldham’s health and youth services.

His garden will host his next half marathon on Sunday, April 12.

Lucy Lees, Deputy Chief Executive at Mahdlo Youth Zone, said: “Damieon has been a longtime supporter of Mahdlo and once again he has gone above and beyond anything we could have expected.

“In these difficult and uncertain times Mahdlo’s members and Oldham’s young people need support more than ever and we are so grateful that Damieon has chosen to raise funds for us alongside the greatest of causes in our National Health Service.

“We can’t wait to see him charging around his garden to bring some positivity and light to Oldham – just 418 times and counting!”

Damieon added: “It’s going to be an interesting challenge that’s for sure.

"I’ve ran a fair few distance races over the years but this will be the first I’ve done so close to where I actually keep my wheelbarrow!

“After the Manchester Half was postponed I felt I needed to do something positive, to show everyone that amazing things are still happening in Oldham.

"The work Mahdlo has been doing to continue to provide youth services to the young people of Oldham over the last month has been fantastic and I know that the generosity of our local community will shine through when it comes to supporting them and our wonderful NHS.”

You can follow Barrowthon Man’s exploits on his (@Barrowthonman) and Mahdlo’s (@mahdloyz) Twitter accounts on the day.

You can donate on his fundraising page here

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