It's Tia's time to shine as Youth Mayor

Date published: 25 June 2021

The borough’s 12th Youth Mayor, Tia Henderson, has been sworn into office during a ceremony in Oldham Council’s chambers.

A proud Oldhamer, living in Chadderton, Tia was elected to Oldham’s Youth Council in 2018 and is the first Care Experienced young person to become Youth Mayor of Oldham.

Her role on the Youth Council has meant attending numerous events and representing Oldham’s young people on various boards and panels.

This has included being an active member of the corporate parenting panel and local safeguarding children partnership.

As well as this, Tia has represented local young people outside of the borough – regionally and nationally – such as directly questioning the Prime Minister on young people’s mental health, education and achieving their potential, and attending All Party Parliamentary Groups in the House of Commons.

Further to this, Tia is a National Voice Ambassador and is an active member of many different groups that represent young people such as the Children in Care council.

Tia said: “It’s a great honour for me to be Oldham’s Youth Mayor as it means I am able to do what I love best, which is representing young people and creating positive change.

“I am passionate and determined to ensure Oldham’s young people have their voices, not only heard, but listened too and acted upon.

“Over the course of the next year I hope to be an advocate for young people and express what they feel is important, whilst inviting them along on my journey as Youth Mayor.”

Oldham Council Leader, Councillor Arooj Shah, said: “Tia is a wonderful representative of the young people of Oldham.

“Her continuous dedication and commitment to the youth council and the various other boards and panels she participants in shows just how much of an amazing advocate she is for young people, both locally and nationally.

“I’m really looking forward to working alongside Tia over the next 12 months and seeing first-hand the great work she will do in this role.

“I would also like to thank our retiring Youth Mayor, Samah Khalil, and wish her all the best for the future after doing an outstanding job in the role over the past two years.”

Tia attended Saddleworth High School and Oldham College, where she studied Performing Arts.

She now works full time within the Civil Service.

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