Broadfield Primary salutes retiring Headteacher and welcomes new Principal

Date published: 09 May 2023

Broadfield Primary has welcomed its new Principal, Elizabeth Moran, who will be helping guide the Oldham school in its latest exciting chapter.

This is following the retirement of former Headteacher, Patricia Stennett, who setepped down after 17 years of dedicated service on March 31.

At the retirement celebrations, Patricia was thanked for her inspirational leadership and commitment to the school and local community.

Gina Andrewes, Broadfield’s Chair of Governors, said: "Patricia has always led with care and compassion.

"She is always interested in and always gives her time to every child, parent, carer, staff member and governor.

"She has provided a secure and caring base to the children of Broadfield school enabling them to grow, learn, flourish and make a difference in this challenging world."

Ms Stennett said that it had been a privilege to have been the Headteacher of such an amazing school in a fantastic community, adding that she had enjoyed every minute.

She thanked everyone for their support during her headship and said: "As I move onto my retirement I am excited that Broadfield is entering into a brilliant partnership with The Pinnacle Learning Trust.

"This will build on strong foundations and will open the door to new opportunities for staff, children and the wider community.

"I wish the school every success on the next phase of its journey."

Elizabeth Moran (pictured above) moves into her new role of Principal at Broadfield Primary School and The Pinnacle Learning Trust during an exciting time of celebration, following their recent partnership as Broadfield joined the successful local Trust in April 2023.

With a commitment to upholding the school values including respect, friendship and aspiration, Mrs Moran is proud and excited to lead Broadfield after working alongside Mrs Stennet for a year as a member of the school leadership team.

Mrs Moran said: "Broadfield School has an established and educationally effective team of teaching, non-teaching staff and governors, strong parental collaboration and enthusiastic, hard-working pupils; all of which I will continue to encourage to thrive.

"Now that we have joined the Pinnacle Learning Trust, our journey of development will also be enhanced by the relationships, links and networks which this collaboration will afford us.

"Through home-school partnership and support, I intend to build on existing strengths at Broadfield such as: engaging and broad learning opportunities, sport participation and support for mental and physical wellbeing.

"Broadfield will continue to offer all children who attend a first-class education in a respectful and safe environment with high standards for all."

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