Saddleworth Women's Morris and Clog team make a sparkling debut appearance

Reporter: Ken Bennett
Date published: 28 April 2024

In a sparkling debut appearance before large, appreciative crowds, Saddleworth Women's Morris and Clog team took their first steps to stardom in Uppermill yesterday (Saturday).

The side, formed from scratch just three months ago, performed a lively set of intricate dances dressed in their stylish costumes.

The dances all paid fond respect to the community and drew rounds of applause and cheers from the audience who were quick to praise the dancer’s meticulous steps and nimbleness in accomplishing often intricate turns.

“Absolutely wonderful,” said one delighted watcher.

“They can really be proud that all their hard work and practice has truly paid off.”

The group has already swelled to 25 members who practice every week at Denshaw Village Hall.

Eddie Worrall, a member of Saddleworth Morris Men for 24 years, has helped to get the group off the ground with Lucy Marstin, the side’s squire and forewoman, mastering new dances from scratch for their first appearances.

“We are delighted with the overwhelming response from the public to the side,” Mr Worrall declared after the side had entertained crowds at several sites across the village.

“The ladies have worked really hard learning the dances.

"They only started practicing in January, with most never having danced before.

"They have worked so hard and pulled together as a side in such a short time.

"I am immensely proud of them and all they have achieved.”

He added: “And it was great to see some of Saddleworth Morris out supporting us.

“The ladies side have a busy dance schedule planned for summer, including taking part the famous Rushcart Festival later in the year.”

And Mr Worrall gave special mention to Tesco Greenfield, whose community champion Gregg Barratt provided a £250 grant for leather bell pads needed to help complete the sides' dance kit.

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