Police appeal for more details following attempted robbery and assault

Date published: 23 May 2024

Greater Manchester Police officers are still actively investigating an incident that took place on Cavendish Street in nearby Ashton on Friday, April 26, 2024 at around 3:30pm.

In what was an attempted robbery following a road rage confrontation, a cyclist in his 50s was forced to dismount, which then resulted in an assault.

Thankfully, injuries sustained were not life-threatening at the time.

Following initial enquiries, officers have now identified two men they would like to speak to in connection with this as they believe they have vital information that could help.

No arrests have been made at this stage.

PC Jack Elliott, from GMP's Tameside response team, said; “We are still actively trying to find those responsible, as all road users should feel safe when travelling in Greater Manchester.

“We are now able to appeal to our local community and in particular the two people pictured to come forward and help us with our investigation.

“If anyone has information, please call us direct on 0161 856 9213 direct or 101 quoting incident 2127 of 26/04/2024."

Alternatively, details can be passed on anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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