Nostalgia night to go down in history

Reporter: Iram Ramzan
Date published: 19 November 2013

Ruffles, corsets and the suffragettes came back to Oldham in an evening of nostalgia to mark the centenary of Chadderton Town Hall.

The town hall was officially opened on November 15, 1913, by Councillor Herbert Wolstencroft, the chairman of the Chadderton Urban District Council.

The foundation stone had been laid on March 30, 1912, by Councillor Ernest Kempsey, a notable citizen of Chadderton who was chairman of the council on four occasions — a record never superseded.

To celebrate the landmark venue’s history, residents were transported back in time to the elegant splendour of an Edwardian ballroom.

Chadderton Events Committee (CEC) organised the celebration and gave it an authentic 1913 theme. Entertainment was provided by Chadderton District Band and Oldham Choral Society who performed music hall songs from the era when the building opened.

Even the menu replicated courses from 1913, including roast pheasants, boiled ox tongue and a trifle.

People came in period costumes, including Chadderton councillors Sue Dearden and Barbara Brownridge, who came as suffragettes. Chadderton central councillor Colin McLaren came as Councillor Herbert Wolstencroft. MP Michael Meacher came as William Barton, who was an MP at the time.

“We did Chadderton and the borough really proud,” said Michael Lawson, committee member of the CEC.