Dobcross Out of School Children's Activities

The next steps

The numbers of children attending continues to increase. Long term we feel that providing both before and after-school sessions from the school itself would be much more satisfactory for the children and hope that once the school extension is built we will be able to continue to operate there.

The committee members' interest is because we have all had children at Dobcross school and our time has been given on a voluntary basis, but we would be delighted if anyone was interested in joining us in the future.

We hope to develop activities, including fund-raising for the Friends of Dobcross School, Dobcross Village Community and Dobcross Band Club.

We are actively pursuing applications for funding in addition to planning our own fund-raising activities.

We recognise that parenting can sometimes be a lonely occupation and plan to provide opportunities for parents to meet and discuss common issues, as well as providing good quality child care so that they can work and be safe in the knowledge that their children are being well cared for.

Contact Information

Dobcross Out of School Children's Activities

Adele Jackson and Cathy Jordan, c/o The Band Club
Platt Lane,

Mobile: 0796 1337129

Meeting times

Open 7.15am to 9am and 3pm to 6.5pm.

Our charges are as follows: 

Before school: £3

After school: £3 for the hour from 3.15pm to 4.15pm

£2 for the hour from 4.15pm to 5.15pm

£1 for the hour from 5.15pm to 6.15pm

£6 for the whole session

Ofsted registration numbers: EY371481 and EY381111