Oldham’s double delight

Date published: 24 July 2012


OLDHAM Netball Club dazzled in the Yendy’s tournament in Birmingham, with the under-13s and under-14s both roaring to victory.

The under-13s put down their marker in the first fixture with a 22-0 whitewash of Elmdon.

Their good form continued in the next five games, with Bournville, Barr Beacon, Parkside, Fenton and Oaksway all on the receiving end.

Sitting top of the group with 104 goals scored and only 12 against, Oldham saw off Kingsway 10-3 in the semis.

The final was another clash with revenge-thirsty Parkside. Parkside had done their homework and stayed within two goals, trailing 5-3 at the end of the half.

After a spell of nip-and-tuck Oldham beat the jitters and prevailed 10-8 to lift the shield for the first time.

The under-14s got their route to glory under way with an 18-6 victory over Tameside ‘B’.

Numerous interceptions from Danielle Parrott, Abigail Tyrrell and player of the tournament Chinma Ebizie limited Tameside’s possession.

Explosive play and passing helped Oldham start their day successfully. They went on to beat hosts Yendys, Foxes and Nottingham City.

Oldham lost to Trafford but won their remaining group games 15-1 and 26-0 and swept aside Tameside ‘A’ 13-6 to reach the final.

Just like the under-13s, they took on Parkside and roared to an 11-5 triumph.

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