Killer’s letter may hold secret of victim’s grave

Date published: 17 August 2012

Moors murderer Ian Brady has revealed details about where one of his victims, 12–year–old Keith Bennett, is buried, police believe.

Greater Manchester Police said the killer may have finally disclosed details of the location of the body to one of his long–term visitors to his high–security hospital.

In a dramatic twist, Brady’s legal advocate has been arrested for allegedly failing to reveal information about where one of his victims is buried.

Jackie Powell was detained in south Wales on suspicion of preventing the burial of a body “without lawful exercise”.

Ms Powell, Brady’s legal advocate under the Mental Health Act in 1999, has told a Channel 4 documentary (to be shown on Monday) that Brady gave her a sealed envelope to pass to Winnie Johnson — the mother of his 12–year–old victim Keith Bennett — after Brady’s death.

In an interview for the programme, Ms Powell says she received instructions and a sealed envelope from Brady through his solicitors. The envelope contains three letters – one apparently addressed to Winnie Johnson.

Ms Powell, who has professional obligations in her capacity as executor and her role as Brady's Mental Health Advocate, said she hasn’t opened the envelope.

Brady has revealed the locations of the bodies of all his victims except Bennett - to the continuing distress of his now elderly mother, Winnie Johnson, who has cancer and recently entered a hospice.

It is understood Mrs Johnson is not yet aware of the developments.

Her lawyer, Oldham solicitor John Ainley, said: "Winnie has always believed Ian Brady knew where her son was buried. She never thought anything else.”

Keith Bennett was taken on June 16, 1964 after he left home to visit his grandmother. Brady was jailed for life at Chester Assizes in 1966.

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